Spring Cleanse, March 21-April 3

Join us for a fun, supportive dive into healing through cleansing! Learn about routine/maintenance cleansing and immerse yourself in a week-long kitchari and veggie cleanse.


Release stress and improve health

Join me for an hour-long stress management class for emotional and mental resilience! Utilizing holistic stress management of self-reflection, self-care and sound therapy to manage stress.

Massage Therapy

I am happy to be open and offering in-person massage therapy, craniosacral therapy and reiki at this time. Strict COVID health precautions are followed for the safety of all. I look forward to seeing you.


Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral therapy often referred to simply as Cranio involves very gentle touch accessing the craniosacral rhythm. Cranio can help to free restrictions, allowing for more optimal and harmonious functioning of the body as a whole. The freeing of restrictions may result in greater clarity and a sense of ease of the mind and body.

Alicia’s approach

The human body is an intelligent complex system made of cell, organs, energy and elements. These aspects interact to either be in or out of balance. All we do, think and sence influence our balance which affords us greater health and wellbeing or distress. Identifying the root of disease allows us to shift into ease and joy.



Body Therapy

Craniosacral therapy

Self-Care ISH
